This is a warning about the use of certain indicators in trading strategies or neural nets used in trading strategies. Some of the indicators in Advanced Indicator Set 1 were designed to be viewed as a trend curve through the entire set of data. They are not appropriate for use in a trading strategy because new data bars can cause the trend line to change the trend through past data. This in turn can cause the NeuroShell Trader signals to change in the past. Use the following indicators ONLY for viewing in a static chart, but do NOT insert them in a trading strategy or a neural net used for trading:
Hodrick-Prescott Filter
Polynomial Regression
VAMA (volume adjusted moving average)
There are other versions of the two indicators from this list, which are appropriate for a trading strategy. The Hodrick-Prescott Window indicator is a modification of the Hodrick-Prescott filter indicator, and the Polynom Predict indicator is a modification of the Polynomial Regression indicator. Both Hodrick-Prescott Window and Polynom Predict indicators are appropriate for use in trading strategies, although they will be different from the original implementations.